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Herbs are aromatic plants with medicinal and culinary uses whose chemical constituents have healing actions. In herbal medicine, the whole plant, or parts of it are used such as, the flowers, seeds, roots or leaves.

Natural remedies are an increasingly important part of peoples approach to wellness. As we become more aware of the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs more and more people are looking for an alternative more natural solution to common ailments we may face.

Conditions such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, eczema, psoriasis, digestive problems, poor immunity and low vitality are all common areas of which a herbal or essential oil remedy and a well-chosen supplement could be of great benefit.

Herbs offer safe, effective holistic healing that focuses on the root cause of a problem.

Herbs have many different actions. An herbal action is a word used to describe a specific medicinal property or quality of a plant.

Many plants have several herbal actions that work in synergy. For example, anti-inflammatory is an herbal action. And a plant can be both anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and may also work to support heart health.

Below is a list and brief description of some of the herbal actions.

  • Tonic Herbs

Refresh, Strengthen and rebuild health.

  • Bitter herbs

Stimulate bitter taste receptors on the tongue and gastric juices to boost digestion. They promote appetite and nutrient absorption.

  • Sedative Herbs

Calm nerves and reduce the effects of stress on the body and mind.

  • Carminative Herbs

Relieve gastrointestinal spasms and expel excess gas.

  • Mucilaginous Herbs

Soothe inflammation and, irritation in the gut.

  • Adaptogens

Helps the body adapt to physical and emotional stress.

  • Antioxidants

Inhibit cell oxidation to stop free radicals forming.

  • Astringent, or Toning Herbs

Help to protect against fluid loss and inflammation, tones and calms tissue

  • Expectorants

Loosens mucus and Eases spasms

  • Diuretic Herbs

Increases urine production

  • Antimicrobial Herbs

Have a range of protective properties including antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-infective.

  • Anti-inflammatory Herbs

Reduce inflammation

  • Antispasmodic Herbs

Relax muscles and reduces

  • Styptic Herbs

Have a “haemostatic action to help stem bleeding when applied topically.


It is important to note that none of the information given here is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any illness or disease and is only meant for reference purposes and to aid in the understanding of future blog posts. Some herbs are contraindicated with some medications, if taking prescribed or over-the counter medications for a condition, consult your doctor and/or a qualified medical herbalist before taking herbs.

One Comment

  • There are so many therapeutic herbs! Cannabis is my favorite, byt iI also use other plants. Dry herb vaporizers with precise temperature control can extract all the active ingredients without burning botanicals. I surely recommend vaping herbs, green tea or Yerba mate.

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